Our Support Services

Our Support Services

The word 'STEM' in capital letters is surrounded by a variety of small science related symbols.

Our Commitment

Responsive Learning CIC is committed to helping post-16 learners of any Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subject to reach their full potential. As visible role models, we also inspire young people and promote an inclusive culture, to help bridge the global talent gaps within the STEM industries.

Our Support

We actively support anyone interested in STEM, and those supporting others working within STEM-related fields. By creating the right learning environments with access to the latest information, resources, and tools; we can help them succeed in achieving their goals.

The hands of 6 different people are holding 1 piece of jigsaw puzzle each, in a circle on a table.

Our Services

We engage in a range of activities from research to learning and development. Our educational technology (EdTech) solutions allow us to help remove some of the barriers to learning, which sits at the core of what we do.

Our Delivery

We continually strive to support our local economy by working collaboratively with local universities, further education colleges, vocational training organisations and other businesses. Responsive Learning CIC is a living wage employer and we firmly believe in delivering on equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion for all within STEM roles.

Our Promise

We design our EdTech products to be delivered at a low-cost. However, surplus profits will be reinvested and used to provide hardware for STEM learners who are experiencing digital poverty.
A lecturer is supervising 3 diverse students, who are doing a group activity on a table.

Your Data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures that anyone collecting and using personal information protects your privacy and legal rights.

We will therefore be transparent about:

  • The data collected about you
  • How your personal information is used, and
  • Who has access to it

To access our services, you will be asked for your consent to use the data as described in the Data Privacy Notice below.


To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
Albert Einstein
To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. Albert Einstein
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